“Old Faithful” lure



The original. 

The favorite. 

The “Old Faithful.” 

South Dakota Red “Old Faithful” is the lure that started the Creek Freak Master Baits journey.   This lure has caught the most fish of any other the Creek Freak Master Baits lures. The largest trout I’ve caught in a stream was with this lure with a gold blade.  This is the personal favorite.

Choice of blade colors. Not all color combinations shown in pictures.

Available with red treble hook or single barbless hook.


Additional information

Blade Color

White blade/silver weighted bead, Pink blade/silver weighted bead, Black blade/2A gray bead, SD Red blade/silver bead, Gold blade/gold bead, Silver blade/silver bead, Chartreuse blade/silver bead

Hook Type

Red Treble hook, Single barbless hook